Portimao to Rabat

Right Turn takes the RAF Cup for “Most meritorious cruising under sail” (one-handed!)
Mike moves into the marina in Portimao to fit the new batteries and put them on charge for a couple of days before setting off to Rabat. All went well until I notice the fridge cooling water pump has stopped working. Investigation points to a fault with the control unit! There always has to be something and of course its Sunday tomorrow! Come Monday and we’re able to find a man who can actual repair PCBs, how good is that ? Not only that but he remembers our boat from Grenada in 2010. Fridge back up and running and set off around 1700hrs.
Not a bad 3 day trip, slow but that didn’t matter as we needed daylight to go into Rabat, and only a little motoring. Had the fright of my life when this year’s first flying fish joined me in the cockpit at around 0200hrs. Don’t ever remember seeing flying fish in this area before. Quite a pretty thing (bright blue with very long wings) not at all like the ones further south and west. Arrived off Rabat just after low water and I’m told the port is closed for the day because of the swell which isn’t that bad. I did check the forecast before leaving Portimao. After being told to push off I thought I’d hang around and see what happened at high water, and yes the port is open and in I go. The conditions in the entrance actually being a lot better than when I last left in 2010. Moored in the river is testament to a need to be careful on the Atlantic coasts of Portugal and Morocco, a French yacht that tried to enter when advised not to. He was rolled in the surf, mast broken and partially flooded below. Lucky to be alive and also lucky that the locals towed him off the sand bank and into harbour. He doesn’t have his boat insured! Lots has changed in Rabat, the Customs etc now work from the fuel pontoon, this took a lot less time than before, even the dog couldn’t be bothered to sniff for drugs. The new bridge across the river is open with a tram running over it. The old bridge has been removed. Most of the apartments around the marina are now finished, not too sure if any are sold! The marina is empty, apparently there was a mass exodus to the Canaries 3 days ago.
Taxi to airport to collect Kate and gratefully hand over blog-writing! I’m arriving in Rabat after a couple of days in Provence with my mate Helen, armed with breadmaker, varnish, replacement cockpit foam seats, cheddar, tea and various other must-haves!
Plotter in Rabat always makes us laugh as it
shows us firmly on dry land! Main achievements while Im in Rabat are new outboard covers, hatch cover, TV cover and dinghy cover – a total patchwork of all the old bits of canvas we have left over inc some from RT1! Trying to make it look unattractive so it doesn’t get nicked in Carib! I think Im going to leave a note on it though to say “please leave the cover if you steal the dinghy” because I sure never ever want to make another! We’ve booked a trip to the desert for an overnight stay in a tent. However, this means a day travel and overnight in Marrakesh, and overnight stop in Mahamid after an all day 4X4 trip crossing the Atlas mountains and a 3 hour camel ride followed by rest of day in 4X4 to get to the desert. The same to return meaning we will be away 4 nights altogether!
Disguises for TV and outboard!
......and for dinghy and posh-up outboard!
Fabulous 4 day trip to the desert. Pictures say it all!
Pics: We took a 3 hour camel ride and laughed when we arrived as the sign says 50 days to Timbuctou, odd because where we got on the camels the sign read 52 days! Mind you it did feel like 2 days!