Grenada sunshine

Last half of December in
Xmas boat decs! Mike wired up the saloon
light and I painted it and made a local spices tie-down for it and
put up the Xmas decs. Now, already to go just missing Tanya and we
can do Xmas Grenada
style! Trip on the mad bus for the Christmas booze
and goodies. Out to Tiki bar for Happy Hour rum punches and then up to the local
Chinese! Followed by a day for Mike running back and forth for bimini welding work and me on the sewing machine mending gear and making cute little bottle jackets to stop them rattling! We’ve got the bimini back and adapted the cover to fit the new welded on bits. Mike went to get the solar panels and rest of the bits from the welder, which, of course, cost 50% more than quoted! Tanya’s plane was delayed so she’s in the Caviar House with fizz and smoked salmon! She finally arrives 7 hours late! Food (mostly drink) shopping., then Tiki bar Happy Hour rum punches and back to the boat for Lynne’s spicy prawn soup.
Christmas Day Prickly
Almost didn’t have fizz with
Father Xmas presies because Mr Grumpy doesn’t “want fizz at 8
o’clock in the morning”! but good sense prevailed and T and I had a
lovely start to the day! Lots of lovely presies from Santa and the
freezing folks back home – We hear you have snow! Swam a bit and
ogled Santa water skiing the rest of the time!
T and I get to go to De Big Fish for the
Boxing Day Bash! Woh – we know how to party, don’t we,
T?!! Then a lovely short sail to Whisper Cove, pretty place and out to the Little Dipper for dinner. Tanya had conch curry and Mike and I splurged on lobster. Delish. Next day we cooked Caribbean fish curry with whiting instead of mahi mahi – but it was still lovely!
Tanya’s last day, Mike sailed RT back to
Prickly Bay and T and I caught the bus to St Georges for a girly
shopping day and lunch! Bus back to Prickly where our personal water
taxi service responded to our VHF call! Went ashore for Happy Hour
at the Tiki Bar and then up to the
Chinese. Tanya left today – will miss her. As I was getting into the dinghy I dropped my beautiful bling glasses in the water. Not a happy bunny. On top of that, the bits we need to fit our solar panels turned up – but only 1 out of the 4 – so Mike not a happy bunny either! We stopped by the PADI dive centre on the beach and a big diver said he would come out and look for my specs at 50US Dollars an hour – or part thereof. I agreed to 1 hour and he found them in 30 mins. Well worth the £30 odd!!! And he had nice eyes! We appear to have run out of food! Last day of 2009 and we are back from the supermarket by 10am – I’m obviously not very well!
Photo of shaky full moon and shore lights,
New Years Eve. The highlights at De Big Fish, seeing in the English
New Year at 8pm, weren’t worth recording here but we have a very
dodgy video if anyone’s interested! Happy
2010! |