Jmaica to Cuba and back to Jamaica

Jamaica to Cuba and back to Jamaica! After a quiet night in Bowden Harbour Gerry and I set
sail for Port Antonio, 10mls to windward and then a fast reach up the east coast
and onto the north coast. Decided to have a lay day, ashore for the usual customs/immigration merry go round and hunt for fresh fruit and veg . For the first time since leaving Fort Lauderdale we have actually found a bunch of other cruisers. This place seems popular with new boats arriving most days No wind and some thundery rain showers kept us in Port
Antonio. The forecast suggests no wind for a while. In no rush so we settle down
working on the deck varnish, which really needed doing. Finished on the Sat and
with the wind due to return Monday all is well in our little world. Sunday spent
scraping barnacles off the bottom. The wind finally arrived during the night. A good fast
sail had us in Mo Bay at sunset. Nearly caught a fish for supper but he got
away! Check out, and we are off by midday. A fine typical Caribbean day, good trades.
Something took the new lure trace and a whole lot of line! Not having much luck
with the fishing lately. The VHF is giving grief as
well. No
more luck fishing today, this time the hook broke. This was one of a bunch we were pleased
to find in Havana, probably made in China. Need to find some decent gear.
Arrive in Cienfuegos, Cuba at daybreak with the wind
dying again. Usual cast of thousands visit the boat to clear in. Gerry sets off to Havana whilst I stay onboard to do some
odd jobs. Do us good to have a few days apart following last night’s accidental
gybe without the gybe preventer on, during Gerry’s first solo watch.
Stocked up on rum and ready for the off tomorrow. Tried
finding lobsters but none of the shops had
any! Set of for Cayo Breton but light winds forced an early
halt at Cayo Blanco De Zaza.
(texted Kate – she says from henceforward she wishes to be known as
Duchess Banki Moon of Cayo Blanco De Zaza- think she and Helen have been at the
rose!) Once again we lost a fish because the hook broke. Using a single hook
caught a nice Lady Fish for our supper.
Anchored off Cayo Grande at 10am to rest up for the crossing to Mo Bay. Arrived Mo Bay and anchored at first light, after an uneventful crossing. Very prompt and good check in service. |