Madeira to Tenerife and ready to cross!

Having got permits to visit
Islas Desertas and Selvegens, we left Madeira and went through the
night in full moonlight to the
Selvegens Once safely into the anchorage on the South
side of Selvegen Grande, Mike fixed the wind generator (thank goodness! - he was
in Melvin-mode expecting it to be bust beyond repair having got the fishing-line
tied up in it on the way over!) and then re-sited the fishing rod and re-tied
the fishing line and, now, still won’t go and get some rest – it’s like having a
small child on board – “I’m not sleepy, alright?!!”
Literal translation of Islas
Selvegens = Salvage Islands – not surprised, 4 lumps of rock in the
middle of the Atlantic – with max of 4 people living on one! 2 wardens and 2 lighthouse
keepers. Imagine this is “Pete
heaven!” Then on
to Santa Cruz, Tenerife where I cut Mike’s stitches out!
“Where the bloody hell are
Passage from Santa Cruz to
San Miguel on South coast of Tenerife, opportunity to test the twin
head sails – really good, strong winds and 8 knots of boat speed.
Lots of “Tenerife rock” as opposed to “Atlantic roll” makes me feel
a bit sick but still managed to galley slave!
Fan and I got the giggles at people squatting
to take photos of them selves with volcano in the background, so; of
course, we had to do it
too! To Teide national park – volcano and up in
the cable car to near the
Some of us with more
…..than others! The volcano is directly
behind us!
Fan attempting self-portrait with volcano
Then looking round for Pete realised we
couldn’t see him as he was camouflaged. Now got photos of “Where’s
Wally?” (And Fan!) Can you spot them? And, no, they are not the 2
people in blue fleeces to the left of the white rubbish
bin! Back to boat to learn piquet (difficult) and drink more whisky (easy) and another jar of eau-de-vie cherries! Fan and Pete wrote about their stay –
Surprisingly, to Fanny, we are not off the coast of Spain but near the coast
of Africa! (Well, nobody told me!) “Gold’n Raine Tours” arranged and delivered
our itinerary successfully. Ta sis, for the crouching giggles at 12000 feet and
ta Mike for getting us there and back safely! Bravely helped to drink all
alcohol on board before the crossing
Drove North over loads
of mountains - wiggly
roads and amazing views around Los Gigantes, Northern coast for
lunch watching the waves crashing. And take the obligatory silly tourist
Very old Dragon Tree – symbol of the Canaries
- at Icod de Los Vinos
And a blue lizard
thingy! Where we saw, surely, the biggest poinsettia
in the world
“Oh, of course, silly me! - Obvious really
when viewed from this
And a “What on earth is that,
Pete?” |