Ramsgate, Olympics and Aussie Elliot grandson

Olympics and Aussie Goldsmiths
August Provence with Jude
and Garry and Helen’s 50th
September Mike makes it to 60 and I get to go to Florence with my mate Helen
for 3 days
October Hurrah – we sold the old tinker tramp dinghy and up and down to
Stanmore for various operations
NovemberLots of appointments, mostly medical and dropped in to Fanny and Pete’s French
house for a weekend to help them mop up after the floods there, on our way down
to Provence for December. December
We’d been in Provence for only a few days
(via a few days in Burgundy which convinced us we didn’t want to
move there – too cold!) when the hospital rang to say my blood
results are finally clear of infection and Miss Higgs can put my new
elbow in on the 20th, so I fly back to london on
19th, operation, kicked out on 21st and train
back down to Provence on Christmas Eve. The train journey being
quite a feat with a case and a heavily bandaged arm! Fanny and Pete
arrive 31st to spend New Year with
us. |