the slowest crossing ever

Rehua’s blog: route and anchorage stops
Tue 28 Apr 2015 12:24
SOG 4.7
COG 236 T
Wind 175 Mag (woohoo)
Our crossing to the Galapagos is proving to be the slowest and most frustrating ever!
We are battling the current, wind direction, slop, over zealous pointing (slap skipper) and a general malaise that hangs over the boat ever time we look at the TTG (time to go to destination), whadyaknow 60 hours again! So last night we tacked, and managed to stay composed for 1, 1/2 miles before giving Peru the finger and tacking back to China. 50 degrees apparent gives nice speed but when you calculate for true wind and current you end up on a reciprocal course give or take.
We have a theory that is developing, the Galapagos are floating SW at a rate of 7 cms a year, that's a fact according to the scientists, but we reckon there's a typo, it should be 7 kms a year which would explain our lack of progress!
We are in daily contact with our three friend boats and everyone is experience similar challenges. It's nice to hear we are not alone!