Web Diary Page 5-7th October 2007

Mon 8 Oct 2007 11:42
LADY LIV DIARY PAGE 5th - 7th OCTOBER 2007                                    SAN VITO LO CAPO POSITION   38:10.84N   12:43.97E
5th October 2007.
Motored from the harbour, around the Point,  and into Cefalu Bay and decided to stay and R&R for another day, as the old part of the town looked absolutely stunning.   Went shopping, wandered through tiny narrow old streets that didn't seem wide enough for cars to pass through - but they did, narrowly missing the pedestrians - found the old cathedral tucked up a side alley nestled under a huge high rock cliff.  Bought some chain to secure the dinghy, after a discussion with a "neighbour" in the harbour who told us that throughout his four years of living aboard his yacht through the Med, the only items ever stolen were his dinghy outboard, and on a separate occasion, his dinghy - both in Sicily !!!   Captain bought himself a new pair of shorts, after he was reminded by the first mate that he resembled a vagrant walking through the streets of Cefalu in his swim shorts (thank goodness they weren't Speedos !!) and we enjoyed a glass of beer (well a plastic cup actually, very classy!) and a glass of wine overlooking the Bay before returning to the boat for the night.     
6th October 2007
Early next morning we weighed anchor and made for the north west tip (and our last stay on the island) of Sicily, prior to crossing the Tyrrenhian Sea to Sardinia. A 63 mile trip, and the weather has changed !   Lots of cloud and a very unsettled atmosphere, so a mixture of sail and power, the wind swinging half way around the compass at times so quite erratic and unpredictable, noticeably gusty underneath the clouds - quite uneventful though, apart from the last section where we very suddenly came across force 7 winds right in our faces, with far too much sail up, in high seas (wind against tide, very uncomfortable!)    Saw two dolphins and one shark today - well M spotted it first, and we reckoned that it was a shark, high fin out of the water, quite slow compared to the dolphins -  ooeer!   Were quite relieved to reach the relative peace of San Vito harbour, with reputably the finest clear waters in Sicily. 
7th October 2007
Both quite tired this morning, were woken up in the night a couple of times with violent electrical storms, torrential rain and high gusty winds - a bit scary, but amazing lightning (my Dad would love to have seen this!!) - put the GPS, Sat phone & VHF in the oven as the Captain (who regularly won the School Physics prize apparently) reckoned it would be a good Faraday cage - shame I forgot to take them out  before cooking dinner though !!   Spent the day doing a bit of provisioning, had a swim and lounge on the beach - and yes the water is incredible here, can recommend it - walked along the harbour wall and watched an Italian chap showing off to his girlfriend by jumping off into the not very deep water - you can see how good his diving was below!!   Lots of black clouds rolling around today, but managed to see something of the sun too, some rain this evening.