Wed 17 Oct 2007 17:54
Left our berth at Cagliari early morning and headed west towards the Islas Baleares - specifically, Menorca. No wind, so unfortunately spent two days and nights with the engine running. Flat seas for a lot of the time, but at dusk on the first day, we saw a pod of pilot whales passing us by, followed by a few turtles, very exciting, but as M was having a snooze at the time, she didn´t surface in time to take photos, sadly... Following our exploits on arrival in Sardinia - i.e. 3am - we decided to time our arrival into Mahon for daybreak, after all it is easier to see things in the light before you sail into them !! Sailed up the three mile (ish) channel, passing multiple yacht moorings and marinas - including a very poncey Sunseeker one - and moored on one of the artificial islands opposite the old town and near the commercial port, Isla Cristina.
Some good news though, following this looooonnnnnngggg passage (over 200 miles), our new navigation lights are working perfectly, and Heff (captain) seems to have fixed the leak in the forepeak - yippee !!!
Spent the rest of the 16th sleeping pretty much all day, and went for a wander in the evening up to the Old Town, and found a bar high up & overlooking the harbour which served nice beer ! We are sharing our mooring with a number of boats, all there for the winter, but we have a new neighbour - a German couple from Munich who had a problem with their propeller - the Captain has invited them in for a drink, so we will try out our German later !
17th October - have walked (traipsed) through the town twice today - the last time loaded up with three bags of laundry, and one laptop, destined for the launderette and hopefully a laptop shop that can try and fix us up ! We now feel like complete locals, Bob having plotted the course through the town using his waypoints, bearings and track to perfection - what a guy ! Enough of this, the sun has gone down over the yardarm, and we´re off to our Bar for a drink or two....
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