Web Diary Page 22-24 October 2007

Sat 27 Oct 2007 13:06
A short hop overnight (100 miles) across to Ibiza and we anchored just
around the point from Ibiza town with a view to staying a day to
regenerate our energy... but, the anchorage was quite rough and rolly, and
we decided to up-anchor and go across the channel to Formentera, about 10
miles. What a good decision ! What a beautiful bay ! We anchored off
a beach in amongst some small rocky islands in crystal clear turquoise
waters which, despite being riddled with small jellyfish, were some of the
most beautiful waters we have seen in the Med.
After a peaceful night, we took the dingy across to the town for a weather
forecast and a supermarket. Came back with a couple of bottles of good
Spanish Rioja, a favourable forecast (well, windy) and a new pair of swim
shorts for Captain Bob (NOT speedos).... Went exploring our beach, sand
dunes and rocks, then it started raining - we were both soaked by the time
we arrived back at the boat, but had enjoyed a beautiful environment, and
would like to come back to Formentera perhaps with better weather !
We decided to depart for the Spanish mainland at 5am the following
morning, but after discovering a coffee percolator, and experimenting with
some very strong Espressos, we were both buzzing - so we got out of bed,
got dressed and set sail for Calpe, Southern Spain, at midnight !! With a
cup of hot chocolate, the biscuit box, Genesis blasting out on deck and a
full moon, we were on our way !!!