Web Diary Page 8-10th October 2007

Thu 11 Oct 2007 00:00
Left Capo San Vito in a brisk breeze (!) early
afternoon, and enjoyed 15 hours sailing, with no engine running
!! With waves crashing over the bow, and knowing that we had a
leak (or two) in the fore cabin, we heaved-to (stopped-ish) to pump out the
bilges, forecabin etc.... much swearing from the captain at the
amount of water coming in (was there any Sea left outside, I ask you
??) and several bucket loads later, we were back on track.
Sailed through the night, and feeling a bit jaded with not much sleep, the
captain decided to check out the situation "up front" again... ho hum, here we
go with the swearing (M has learned lots of new words on this trip...) and more
buckets going out, Bob decides to get down & dirty in the guts of the boat -
the results are not pretty, so brace yourselves for the pictures - and with a
few wooden wedges, a hammer or two and a screwdriver, we were back on track
again, with fingers and pretty much everything else, crossed !
But, success, the source of the leak has been found, and the amount of
ingress largely reduced. Down to thimbles now every few hours, and not so
much swearing ... Wind changed, we altered course slightly in our
approach to Sardinia, and arrived on emergency navigation lights (yes, we will
be buying some new ones) via a very dodgy approach in the dark, trying to spot
two cardinal marker buoys which marked two reefs to be avoided, that were on the
chartplotter but weren't to be found in the sea .... with M standing on
the front with a searchlight trying to find the edge of the harbour wall, and
the marker buoys and giving the captain directions to park the boat on the beach
in front (well, it did look like the right place in the dark) - much shouting
from the back to the front of the boat, which must have looked farcical to the
other boats in the marina - especially seeing as it was 3 o'clock in the morning
!!! The English boat has arrived ! Wednesday 10th has
been spent sleeping (M - 12 hours, B- 30 minutes), electrical & other boat
maintenance (B 12 hours, M 30 minutes) and exploring the marina which looks
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