Las Palmas Revisited

Graptolite's Sailing Log
Martyn Pickup & Heike Richter
Mon 31 Jan 2011 12:42
Schulzendorf, Germany, Monday 31st Jan 2011
I recently got back from a nice little outing to Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.
It was to look over a yacht for sale that friend Ian Jack was thinking of
buying. It was a 10m steel Rienke, self-build, bilge-keeler owned by a nice
guy called Axel. Unfortunately it turned out to be the kind of boat that was
a little bit too rough around the edges to have impressed Ian's wife
Heidrun. An important consideration. Ian and I slept on the boat for two
nights though just to make sure. ( if you're interested).
The boat was moored on the other side of the pontoon from where Grapto was
moored in November 2007 just before the ARC so the trip was something of a
blast from the past.