Pancake Day

Graptolite's Sailing Log
Martyn Pickup & Heike Richter
Thu 6 Dec 2007 21:22
Skipper writes:
More flying fish leapt aboard earlier in an obvious attempt to circumvent
immigration laws. We know what they are up to.
Today has been a bit rough with squalls and big seas rolling us around. Food
cooking and eating is developing into something of a dangerous sport. Lori
tried making apple pancakes for dessert this evening and ended up wearing
the batter. Nil point, although she wore it well and the salvaged pancakes
qualified as entry to the final. Other food disasters include the discovery
that the bilge veggie store had started to ferment into an evil brew and
even set the gas detectors off. Fresh food storage is going to need a
rethink for the Pacific.
Graptolite continues to keep us safe and is currently whisking us westward
under a tiny scrap of headsail. Half-way point of 40 degrees west is close
and may be reached by midnight tonight although the partying may have to
wait until tomorrow. In reality we are fully in mid-Atlantic already and
whatever happens we will end up in the Caribbean. As will the few nearby
abandoned and drifting boats we get reports on from time to time.