Graptolite - Atlantis Crossing

Graptolite's Sailing Log
Martyn Pickup & Heike Richter
Wed 25 Aug 2010 15:19
Wednesday 25th August 2010
Heike flew out to Dalaman last Friday so we could move on from Turkey to
Greece. Unfortunately the weather forecast showed the meltemi winds were
expected to rise to gale force on Sunday. We were somewhat committed to
getting to Santorini airport for a flight early Monday so we set off with
the intention of beating the worst of the weather by sailing overnight and
with a plan to find shelter on the way if it got bad. It got bad and we were
badly pounded by having to motor directly into F6-7 wind with waves over the
deck. Interestingly, the boat started filling up with water as well
requiring the use of a bucket and the proverbial frightened man. It turned
out that a hatch on the forward deck had not been closed properly and also
the engine seawater cooling system had sprung a leak at the back of the
boat. It killed a few bits of electrical equipment but nothing serious.
We had to run for shelter to the Dodecanese island of Astipalaia narrowly
escaping being run down by a container ship on the way. Astipalaia turned
out to be a lovely island with the white houses of the chora rising up from
the harbour to the summit and a with 13th century castle on the top. By
Monday the worst of the winds seemed to have past and we headed off west
again to Thira stopping at the island of Anafi for lunch.
On Tuesday, we took a look at the famous view from the town of Fira into the
caldera with several cruise ships at anchor. Heike flew out on a rebooked
flight that evening.
On Wednesday, I had to track down some Customs people for a bit of paperwork
at the Old Port about 300 metres below the town. The passengers from three
huge cruise ships were backed up trying to get down on the cable car so I
walked down the steps, slip-sliding on donkey poo the whole way. I'll be
doing it again soon as the Customs people were not in their office.