Graptolite - Going Like a Rocket

Graptolite's Sailing Log
Martyn Pickup & Heike Richter
Tue 24 Mar 2009 06:04
If this wind keeps up we should be there sometime this evening.
The luminous bugs in the water have been giving good displays recently and
it looks like the trail from a rocket behind us in the night. Apart from
that there has been no marine life worth speaking of.
The useless fishing lines got tangled under the boat the other day (again)
and required a raid by Commander Pickup of the SBS to cut them free. The
mini-scuba gear comes in handy now and then. A helmet as used for canoeing
would be a useful addition as I usually seem to bash my head on the boat
bottom, judging by the antifouling paint that gets on my scalp.