Still crazy after all these waves

Graptolite's Sailing Log
Martyn Pickup & Heike Richter
Fri 14 Dec 2007 02:36
Crew here, reporting worrying tendencies among the ship's company. First the
skipper goes off on one in a trekky moment. Does he not realise it's the
daleks we are trying to evade!! Liz has been heard to be muttering to
herself that its not fair that she didn't even get to put the fish down and
when can she at least operate on someone. Perhaps most worrying is that
another crew member who must remain nameless has openly admitted to a crush
in her younger years on a TV character. Not Magnum PI or The Saint, but none
other than Scott the Thunderbird pilot. We wondered why she had log entries
of "2000 hrs, 57degrees F.A.B." I, being the only rational one left and on
the basis of some impressive surf's down waves have entered us in the next
Sydney - Hobart race.
All the ships company have now resorted to shouting at the approaching waves
Canute style, to ward them away from the boat. At least one of them didn't
listen and tipped us over a bit. Nothing to worry the insurers though...
There were shouts earlier of "Look at those lovely brown boobys" the male
contingent assembled on deck but all to be seen were a couple of sea-birds
circling the boat, one of which attempted a landing on the spreaders but
failed the crew entrance examination.
The next log should be with land in sight for the first time in nearly three