Graptolite - Motoring Along

Graptolite's Sailing Log
Martyn Pickup & Heike Richter
Thu 28 Feb 2008 16:33
01:06.52S 086:45.12W 175 miles west of the Galapagos

Even bigger dorado and tuna have been dragged aboard today, gloated over but
then released. The crew don't even bother getting me on deck now. They just
show me the photographs. Getting tired of fish, we had steak for dinner.

Shin, who is a bit prone to nightmares, woke with a 'smell-mare' in the
early hours and was convinced the boat was on fire. We spent some time
checking the engine and wiring but all was OK. Freaked me out for a while as
I thought I might have developed a head-cold without knowing it.

We are still having to use the engine against a strong W-E current and the
diesel fuel is getting uncomfortably low in the tank. It will be more than
annoying if we run out and drift back to La Libertad.