Graptolite - Cruising the Renaissance

Graptolite's Sailing Log
Martyn Pickup & Heike Richter
Tue 2 Nov 2010 14:27
It was another impossibly busy weekend again.
On Thursday I drove across Italy from Pescara to Rome to meet Heiki at the
Castello della Castellucia hotel, west of the city. On Friday it was a drive
back to Pescara to start a 150 mile sail northwest up the coast to Rimini
with a couple of overnight anchorages on the way. Night sailing didn't seem
like a good idea as it's a cluttered coastline with pot-markers, mussel
farms and gas platforms everywhere. The fine weather was beginning to turn
nasty on the approach to Rimini harbour.
On Monday morning we caught a train to Florence and wandered the old streets
in the rain. Long lines of wet tourists kept us out of the undoubtedly
splendid insides of the Duomo and the Ufitzi, which will have to wait for
another time, but we had a nice lunch and a game of Scrabble at the Loggia
overlooking the soggy city from the Piazzale Michelangelo.
Later, Heiki flew off to Dusseldorf and I jumped a slow train back to
Rimini, as one does.