Graptolite - Mountains and Meze

Graptolite's Sailing Log
Martyn Pickup & Heike Richter
Mon 15 Jun 2009 11:56
I'm crewless again after a dash to the airport with Heike at 02:00 this
morning. I'm left a bit sore and stiff from taking part in another one of
'Heiki's High-Speed Travel Adventures' over the past few days.
The Troodos Mountains have been well and truly done as has the south coast
including the fleshpots of Agia Napa.
Mountains of meze have also been consumed and taromosalata especially has
been taken in ridiculous quantities. Taromosalata has become a new favorite
for Heike; I think it's the pink colour. I'll be finding space later in the
corner of Grapto's wine cellar for a case or two of Koumandaria dessert
On the downside; this outer part of the marina gets a bit lively at times
and the stainless steel swim-ladder took a bashing, shearing off the four
bolts holding it on. It's just one more thing for the repair list.