19 degrees west

Graptolite's Sailing Log
Martyn Pickup & Heike Richter
Tue 27 Nov 2007 18:27
We got the cruising chute out of its bag for the first time since leaving
the Solent. An enormous red, white and blue kite always adds a bit of drama
to the situation although there is nobody anywhere in sight to appreciate
the spectacle. A large pod of striped dolphins swam with us for a while and
they were keen to get a good look but they are not all that knowledgeable
about downwind sailing kit, as a rule. Other wildlife has been a bit sparse
recently. We will have to get the fishing rods out and haul something in to
get a close look.
We now have a four-hour watch system at night with two awake and the
daytimes are when everyone is up, apart from naps, and we have all meals,
run the generator, use the radio and play music. It seems to work but the
naps are getting longer.
A soiree on deck with guacamole dip is planned for later. What else do you
do with crushed avocados?