Inland, Inland Sea

Fri 7 Sep 2012 11:05

Position: 38.55.5N 21.00E
 Hello Folks,   Just a quick update to show you some dolphin pics etc.   Since I returned to Greece we went into Amvrakikos Kolpos which is inland from Preveza.   We found a couple of quiet bays with hardly any other boats around.   The second one we stopped in was called Loutrakios and we anchored in nice shallow water quite far out.  (So less wasps and mosquitos and not too deep to anchor).   We took the tender ashore and sat in the little beach taverna, which was typically greek with little tables and mismatched chairs and we were almost the only customers.   The lady gave us a cold beer and then we realised that she might do some food and it was lunchtime.   There was no menu she simply cooked what was available and it was a plate of BBQ'd sardines with really fresh bread and more beer.   We sat for ages enjoying the view and the meal and then she bought us some melon and grapes to eat (on the house)   She didn't speak any english and we don't speak any greek but the whole lunch was about 15 Euros.!
The next day we set off in a slight hazy mist and went North towards Menidhion.   As we crossed the bay (which is about 8 or 9 miles) we saw a dolphin in the distance.   This dolphin came nearer and then swam in our bow wave for about 20 mins.  He was joined by two more - all bottle nose dolphins so quite big and really delightful to watch.   As we neared land on the north side they swam away.   Later we followed the coast then went back towards the middle of the sea and this time a whole pod of dolphins came and joined us.   I took my camera up front and got some shots from the bows though it is so difficult when they leap out - my camera is not fast enough.   I ended up with lots of shots of splashes as they dived below!  
Later we saw a turtle, quite large and lazily swimming along till he saw us and then dived below the surface.   We anchored for the night behind some tiny islands which were quite deserted and it was a calm beautiful evening.   To finish our exploration of the inland sea we went back to the anchorage at Vonitsa as there was some wind forecast so we knew the islands would not be enough shelter.   I was going to swim until I spied a big brown jelly fish going down the side of the boat.  The size of a large dinner plate and with lots of red and white underneath.   I do have a photo but have not downloaded it yet so will put it on the next instalment.   There was also another turtle in the bay (they eat jelly fish) which was even closer than the last one but I didn't have the camera handy.
Thats all for now.   Hope you are all well.   Love from Gilly B.

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