Celebration from 24:32.1N 55:09.1W at 1330 utc 9May2021

Helena Schneider
Sun 9 May 2021 13:28
Woheeeyy! One week on the big blue Atlantic on my single-handed W to E crossing!
What happened onboard Freedom during this first week?
> I have regained my sea legs and with that came back to my ultimate inner and outer happy place,
> Freedom, Pip (my hydrovane) and I have continuously steered 35°TWA (close to the wind) and inched our way eastward whilst going north,
> I have had a `Katzenwäsche` every day, that means washed with a wet towel and soap and rinsed with a wet towel without soap...
I used more fresh water than planned at the beginning of the week so the actual shower needs to wait a couple more days (glorious sailing life ;))
>I made cheese tortellini with vegetables, rice with vegetables and vegetables with vegetables and ate all my mangos and pineapple before they turned bad (and I into a vegetable!),
>Spotify has undownloaded 87episodes of Podcasts I REALLY WANTED TO LISTEN TO...
>> most of the podcasts were about a healthy sustainable lifestyle and most of them talk at least once per episode about the perks of meditation...
>> with no possibility to theoretically think about the abstract concept of meditation I opened my freshly downloaded Headspace app with my still savely downloaded beginners meditations... And actually started my journey. After talking about it for three years!
Thank you Spotify for giving me the last push!
>Audible has undownloaded part 3 and 4 of the Lord of the Rings saga after I finished part 1 and 2... And probably saved my sanity. I had nightmares after the end of part two! (That's why I will never watch a horror movie, why do people stress themselves out like that?!)
>Today is mother's day in Germany and I am very sorry for putting my mum, well both my parents, through the reality of having an adventurous only child that actually sees her ideas through.
Sorry that my childood lake sailing turned into big lake sailing! Nevertheless I know they know that I am happy and that makes them happy and in turn I am happy when they are happy!
I can't wait to see what week 2 is going to bring, less wind and more manœuvres to gain more ground eastwards by the looks of it!
Stay salty!