Happiness from 29:22.6N 40:06.1W at 1400utc 21May

Helena Schneider
Fri 21 May 2021 14:04
It is quite impressive how quickly body and mind recover from challenging circumstances with a little extra care and of course, a couple of hours of beautiful sailing!
Since Wednesday morning, when we got ouf the end of the pressure system and also the no wind zone after it, I made sure to actively put in extra nap time, eat a bit more and get back to our normal routine onboard after the adrenaline levels came down.
Today I can say that we are feeling really well again, Freedom got some TLC (tender love and care) yesterday and we are sailing nicely along in a light (very light) breeze.
Yesterday we had a couple of hours of absolute divine sailing, beam reaching and zooming along at five to six knots while staing perfectly stable!
Freedom hummed with the same level of joy as me, and I thought about how just a couple of hours of this amount of happiness and freedom make up for nearly every kind of challenge...
maybe the challenge makes this level of good mood even sweeter.
Today we have light winds and working our way E-wards slowly (2.7knts) to get into better breeze, but the engine stays silent.
I thoroughly enjoy this peaceful break whilst reading a good book, drinking tea and patting Freedom's coach roof, because she was the goodest girl ;).
I still monitor the keel structure, and the coastguard monitors us but we are confident that we shall make it to the Azores without further issues (apart from now being out of biscuits... You can't have it all hey!).
Sending sunshine from onboard :)