Under 250nm to go! 15:15.N 56:54.7N
Helena Schneider
Tue 6 Apr 2021 17:48
Freedom and I have under 250nm left to sail, and it feels utterly surreal!
The wind has changed direction and has calmed down to just under 10knots, so we are reaching under the Blue Water Runner (downwind sail) at a very gentle 3-4knts of speed.
Pip (hydrovane) is doing a fantastic job and we are gently rocking and rolling in the soft ocean swell, under tropical sun or during the cool night looking up into the Universe and the milky way.
I have been so happy to see this light wind for the last part because it gives me time to say 'see you later' to my new friends, the flying fish, the birds, the clouds the little waves... Aw I am sad, really sad by now that this very special crossing slowly comes to an end.
In my happy place, reading up on deck with my cushions, it often dawns on me how incredibly lucky I am, and how eternally grateful for the people around me and the opportunities I have had and managed to create so far. I will never take any of it for granted.
I'd love to be able to bottle up this calm happiness, laced with gratitude and fulfilment and take it out whenever I need a reminder of it, but maybe that is exactly what a memory is there for, without the bottle or lid.
Ill miss plenty of smaller and bigger things but one of them is definitely the hilarious entertainment that flying fish provide.
I could spend hours (whoops, might have actually done that) watching little groups of flying fish, jump out of the sea in front of freedom and flying rather clumsily until they hit the next wave.
I find that quite hilarious because I quietly imagine them shouting 'juhuuuu yippee' whilst flying and then it always ends in a big, inelegant 'splosh' and I imagine them look rather surprised.
I will savor all the bits I will miss with extra intensity until the end and finish my biscuits, because obviously calories can't find you on the Atlantic!
(btw, who told me I was going to loose weight crossing?! We need to have a chat ;))
Hopefully the last miles stay as uneventful and we make landfall this week, unharmed and hungry for fruit salad.
(Bluebonnet is 110nm ahead of me and I cant wait to give Maud and Marc a high five! We send each other our position twice a day but they dont seem to receive my texts so please, Maud's husband, send them my biggest congratulations when they make it!)