24:54.3N 22:31.8W at 1200 UTC 19March

Helena Schneider
Fri 19 Mar 2021 12:06
I am choosing the happy version of myself today!

Sent from my Huawei phone
Yesterday was tough but Hallberg Rassy parts got in touch and apparently the leak at the rudder is something that just happens and especially on HR31s and I will need to replace the seals on the other side of the Atlantic.
I will keep the rudder accessible and monitor it.
After having briefly discussed the issue with Bluebonnet, who are 55nm north west of me, they decided to gybe and come a bit closer in case I attempted a repair and needed help!
Thats what I call looking out for one another, great seaman ship!
I wont need their help now but its still nice to know that help is only a couple of hours and not days away!
On other fronts, I am missing my dads birthday today for which I send him the biggest bear hug through my mom... I miss those two a lot!
Isnt it funny how we as children want to establish ourselves and fight for our independence and once we did that we want nothing more than spend more time with our parents again! Well like this it is for me anyway!
If there are no surprises today I will enjoy the sail, let Lilly, my autopilot who helms Pip, my hydrovane, be in charge and read a book.
Yesterday was definitely enough excitement for a bit!
Luckily the weather is calm and I get to sit in the sun for a bit while Freedom climbs up and down the Atlantic swell, which isnt too big at all at the moment.
Happy Friday by the way!!

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