Lat 25:09.7N Long 21:16.1W 18March2021 2100 UTC

Helena Schneider
Thu 18 Mar 2021 21:01
Well today, the 18. March, seems to be a day to remember.
Sent from my Huawei phone
It started quite dramatically with me having to cool my painfully burned wrist under the sea water tap for an hour... The boiling kettle had some objections concerning my well deserved morning coffee, so instead of me drinking it, Freedom got lots of coffee grains and I got hot freshly boiled water over my wrist!
The pain eased a bit around midday and I talked to my mum who is a trained paramedic and also my telemedic support via the sat phone and both concluded that I will survive ;) and thanks to their cooling advice I am currently blister free but gauzed up.
Just when I recovered from my start of the day and wanted to do my daily checks, I relaised i couldn't check my battery status on the ipad, taking the aft cabin apart to look for the solar charger and battery charger, I discovered that my aft cabin cushions were wet towards the feet... The rudder seal is letting some water past.
One thing after the next one I first checked my batteries manually and they were fully charged, the solar charger was happily blinking and I took the battery charger apart to look at probable causes for not showing any lights.
Spoiler: it never shows any lights or talks when you are not connected to shore power and I needed to reset my solar charger app on the ipad.
It was great that i was able to call my parents again and also my friend Amelia and both teams set to problem solve on their end: my parents got hold of the Victron Service and Amelia got hold of my sparky in Hamble and both concluded that this is solvable. Thank you, again!
Now the whole content of my aft cabin made its way forward, into the salon and bow cabin, to lift Freedoms bum up a bit and hope that less water comes in while we are sailing.
I emailed HR parts and am quite positive that they can advise on what to do to keep the sea water outside of Freedom!
The good news is on the sailing front: the whole day saw the use of the Blue Water Runner for down wind reaching and I actually made quite ok progress despite the lack of wind.
Today I will blog without a picture as yesterdays quiche picture and blog still didnt make it online according to dad!
I hope you all have a great week!
Sent from my Huawei phone