Update 2 1500utc 07/05/21 22:31.1N 57:40.1W

Helena Schneider
Fri 7 May 2021 15:08
Freedom and I have made good progress so far, currently we are taking the veering windshift that takes us further towards the ENE and more directly towards the Azores.
That means that we have slowed down a bit due to now facing the predominant waves head on, but that was to be expected.
Over the weekend the wind will hopefully keep turning a bit so we can sail more to the E on this tack before meeting light to no winds on Monday.
I am quite restless today and started to do workouts and stretches at an angle since two days: the floor space between the galley and chart table is great to stretch out on a flat surface (if you are no more than 1.72m in length) and the two cockpit benches make a good enough planking and pushups on my knees space.
I really wonder why I have so much more energy on the way back, even though I sleep the same interrupted sleep pattern as on the first crossing and I was seasick for the first 2 1/2days!
Maybe the reefing and unreefing, wind and movement of the boat keeps me much more on my toes and there is less calm to gaze into the nightsky and ask the big questions of life...
Or maybe I have done enough horizon watching for the time being, found my answers for the moment and am excited for the things to come!
Even though I don't have deep philosophical discussions with seabirds for the moment, being out here provides me with lots of mental clarity and a constructive mind set, apart from the boat and wind noises, all other white noise is cut out.
Quite addictive state of mind indeed!