Tuesday 6th July

Tue 6 Jul 2010 12:19
My position Tuesday 6th July at 1200UTC is 40
50.8N 27 21.6W
No wind. And none since yesterday evening, so
the sails are furled and we are rolling in the swell. I am presently
motoring for a couple of hours to charge the batteries, so at least a little
progress is being made. Even when there has been wind, speed has been so
low that the water generator has hardly been charging, hence the reason for
having to run the engine. And the solar panel just doens't give enough
power to keep them topped up. Today is
dreary and overcast but a little cooler than yesterday which is a relief as
the temperature reached over 90 down below. It's a tough life, I tell
you. If the wind doesn't pick up soon I shall run out of books. I
now understand why some of the boats in Horta were carrying 100 gallons of
diesel in jerrycans on deck.