Friday 4th June

Fri 4 Jun 2010 12:28
Position at 1200 UTC 47
29.1N 26 13.9W
Disappointing progress these last couple of days,
wind seems to have been more contrary than usual. Never mind, nobody ever
expected this to be easy. First close encounter with a ship this
morning. I've seen a few so far, but none nearer than about four
miles. This one was about a half mile but I was alerted by a bleep from
the AIS when he was four miles away - good to know the system
The slow progress is giving me one or two causes
for concern. The main one is the cake supply. Well stocked in
Plymouth with the best home made varieties from family and friends, I'm ashamed
to say that the gooey Lemon Drizzle never even made it as far as
the breakwater. Quickly followed by the double decker chocolate
sponge. And now I am attacking the ginger cake with relish, with the odd
sortie into the S5 (Sister Sarah's Superb Seagoing Sustenance). Thankfully
I have a reserve S5, originally destined for the return trip, but on present
form, unlikely to make it past the finish line. That only leaves me with
two others - a rather magnificent birthday cake, not to be consumed
before the 19th, and the last reserve, a tinned cake from a Christmas
hamper. And the home made chocolate brownies are now but a distant gourmet
memory (thank you Anna!). I tell you, it's a tough life this Jester
30W seems to be a hard one to cross. I have
broken the voyage up into segments - 5-15W, 15-30W, 30-45W, 45-60W
and finally 60-70W. Once I get to 35W I can turn the chart over and then
at least I will, on paper, be looking towards my destination. So only
another 10 degrees of longituide and I can flip it over. Whether that is
halfway or not I haven't bothered to check, but psychologically it will
start to feel like the downhill section. Here's hoping the wind will
oblige as well.