Sunday 13th June

Sun 13 Jun 2010 12:32
My position on Sunday 13th JNune at 1200 UTC is 44
00.5N 38 21.5W
It's been a rough night with S7 breeze, three reefs
in the mainsail and the No 4 jib. But I'm making progress in the right
direction, so no complaints. I am now officially past the halfway mark and
celebrated with hot buttered toast and gentleman's relish. This morning
the wind is a bit up and down, but not quite down enough to hoist
the No 3, so at times I am sailing a little slower than is
ideal. The next milestone is 45W, only 572 miles away and then the ice
waypoint at 40N 50W. So called because if you stay close to this there is
theoretically little chance of meeting an iceberg. The further north of
this you sail raises the risk considerably. I will check the ice charts as
I get closer, provided I can get onto the relevant web site. After the ice
waypoint it's only another 1000 miles to the finish line (only!) heading due
west along the latitude of 40N before turning north west at 70W for the final
run to Newport. Sounds easy if you say it quickly, but it's still a lot
more days to go. One step at a time. Meanwhile the miles are ticking
away, so it's getting closer....