Tuesday 15th June

Tue 15 Jun 2010 12:27
My position at 1200UTC Tues 15th June is 42
54.6N 41 35.2W
Becalmed again overnight, but the breeze has now
filled in from the south. Looks like there's a bit of a blow coming with
strong southwesterlies followed by westerlies, so I am trying to head south as
much as possible to give myself a better slant. Either way it looks like a
few days of slow progress.
The reefing winch has started to pull its
rivets out of the mast on one side, so I have effected a temporary repair with
some hoseclips around the mast to hold it in place. I don't have rivets
big enough to be able to do the job properly, so this will have to wait until
Newport,. Hopefully it won't fall off before I get there. And
strangely I have lost two battens from the No 3 - pockets actually
torn open, but luckily no damage to the sail itself. I'm not quite
sure what caused that other than a bit of flogging the other night when I got in
a muddle. And there's a smal tear in the mainsail foot caused by the boom
banging the cap shroud when the sheet popped out of its cleat -
sorted with a bit of sticky backed sail cloth. My oilskin trousers have a
reinforced seat to protect against chafe and this has now worn through in places
and torn. More sticky backed sailcloth to hold them together! Not
overly impressed that they haven't even made it across the Atlantic in one
piece, given the fantastic price.