Saturday 5th Jube

Sat 5 Jun 2010 12:26
Position at 1200 UTC 46
55.8N 26 36.7W
Becalmed last night, so very slow progress.
Lovely sunny day today but very little wind, just creeping along a 3 - 4 knots
and slowly being headed. I don't mind getting a bit of south in at this
stage so that I am between two rhumb lines - one to my icegate at
40N 50W and the other my waypoint before my final approach at
40N 70W. Anywhere between the two is good so that I can tack between
the rhumb lines as appropriate. Could do with some more wind, but it's
coming. I shall complain tomorrow that there is too much! I am
struggling to get past 30W, so that'll be a good milestone to have finally
passed. Gosh, it's a long way!