Friday 28th May

Fri 28 May 2010 12:33
Position at 1200 UTC 28th May is 48 41.6N 15
What a contrast today is to yesterday! I was
becalmed yesterday and last night, 15 hours of absolutely no wind, sails down,
slopping around in the swell. Hugely frustrating. And today it's
blowing old boots and I 'm tearing along with a No 4 jib and three reefs
in the mainsail. I could easily steer my rhumb line course, but it's too
uncomfortable, so I'm heading a little north of it. When this low goes
through the wind may go into the north allowing me to drop back south to
compensate. How windy is it? Well the anemometer cups blew off a
while ago, that's how windy! Probably 7 gusting 8, something like
that. Who cares, the boat's going well and we're having