Monday 14th June

Mon 14 Jun 2010 12:18
My position at 1200 UTC Monday 14th June is 43
27.9N 40 22.2W
A bit of a wild night with squalls coming through
at regular intervals, so after a lot of sail changing, I got the boat snugged
down and just ambled along with too little sail between the blows. At
least I could then get a bit of sleep. Right now the breeze has gone down
a bit and we're making steady progress under full sail. The motion is
a lot easier too, it's been very uncomfortable the last two or three days with a
big sea running. I'm very much looking forward to some downwind
sailng - now completed my twenty second day at sea and we've been
beating to windward for about eighty percent of that.
The wind is slowly veering to the north, as
expected, so I shall tack a bit later on. I don't want to get any further
north towards the Grand Banks if I can help it. I need to get down to 40N
and stay there all the way to the Continental Shelf before turning towards
Newport. Still a long way to go though!