Wednesday 23rd June

Wed 23 Jun 2010 19:16
I'm sure you will all have noticed that I've jumped
a day - my last was log dated Thursday 24th June when it should have
been Wednesday 23rd. Extreme fatigue. I turned the page in the log
book and automatically chnaged the date to the following day and it wasn't until
just now, after some refreshing slumber and updating the log that I seemed to be
a day out of kilter. My GPS confirms that it's still today, though it
wasn't this that alerted me, it was the daily plot on my Atlantic chart.
So even if the GPS was not working, I would still have picked it up, which I
guess reinforces the necessity for old fashioned chart work. Extreme
fatigue is very disorientating and certainly one of the worries when
singlehanding, though there are parallels for us all when a silly error could
escalate into something more dangerous. On the other hand, I predicted
this morning that Pico would be peeping above the horizon about an hour ago and
at the moment the horizon is worryingly devoid of any land...........It's a big
ocean and they're small islands. What always amazes me is that in the days
of old, with no charts or accurate means of navigation, that they ever found
them in the first place.