Thursday 15th July

Thu 15 Jul 2010 09:07
My position Thursday 15th July at 0900UTC is 48
01.8N 10 50.9W
I'm sending in the report early today as we have
another gale about to arrive imminently. I spent yesterday and last night
lying to my drogue in big seas and a force 9 - the drogue works well
except that as a breaking wave hits the back of the boat, the water squirts
through the washboards and hatch and soaks everything within six feet. So
everything is a bit wet and soggy, me included. I've had a little bit of
chafe to the drogue leader which I have rectified this morning and now it's all
ready to deploy again when this next SW9 arrives (imminently, apparently).
So there I was looking forward to the shoreside attractions of Plymouth by the
weekend and it now looks like being a bit longer, most frustrating. C'est
la vie, c'est la mer.