Friday 11th June

Fri 11 Jun 2010 12:24
Position at 1200UTC 44 37.7N 33
Once the breeze filled in yesterday afternoon it's
been fairly steady from the SSE 5-6. Last night was foggy again and rather
damp and I was kept busy with a few sail changes. This morning's overcast
has disappeared and it is a lovely sunny day with the boat sailing well under No
3 and one reef in the mainsail. Consequently the sea has built so we're
bouncing around again. I had two fried eggs on toast for breakfast and
despite the cooker being gimballed, when I cracked them into the frying pan, the
yolks chased round in circles like a couple of greyhounds round a
track. And once cooked, without the toast I'd never have kept them on the
plate. Delicious, nonetheless
Hopefully this breeze will hold until I can make
the 36W line of longitude, that being the chart-turning-over moment. So
far so good.