Wednseday 2nd June

Wed 2 Jun 2010 12:35
Position at 1200UTC
49 16.7N 24 45.5W
The breeze finally backed into the SE, now S, so
I've started to make better progress. There's promise of NWlies
which, if they materialise, will be perfect. The relentless bashing to
windward was starting to tick me off, so life is a little less violent at the
moment and much more enjoyable. There was a low point the other evening
when a very large wave almost knocked us down and several barrowloads of
seawater went below, mostly on the chart table, the rest down my neck. The
language would've made a docker blush! Everything still seems to
work, me included, we're just a little damper.
Not many problems other than the wind speed, which
blew off, a tricolour which doesn't and a solar panel with terminal rust - I
took it off and stowed it away as the boat was turning red with the rust
streaks. So, so far so good.
Thank you all for the continuing (I hope!)
....Cookie ate my brekkie....thinking of you in the strong from Les
Froggies.....could be worse, it's raining in terre salue la
mer......attention aux cachalots.....hi, brilliant start.....the beans are
sprouting.....well done....e pericoloso sporghesi.....hi
and so on. At the moment it's rough, wet,
windy, grey and pi**ing with rain - typical North Atlantic day! - so your
interest is very motivating. It's not until you get out here that you
realise what a big place this is and how slow a small sailing boat is by
comparison to the distance involved. Shouldn't be too long before the next
treat....30W. Shortly after that I'll turn the chart over and the end will
be in view and getting close to the halfway mark.
Watch this space.....