Saturday 12th June

Sat 12 Jun 2010 12:17
My position at 1200UTC Saturday 12th June is 44
39.0N 35 55.8W
Wind veered round whilst I was having a short kip
around midnight and I woke to find that we were calmly sailing back the way we'd
come! The wind vane makes the boat follow the wind, so unless there's a
violent sudden change there's no real change in the motion to alert me until I
look at the compass or instruments. This morning it's in the east, so
we're running downwind, gently, with full main and No 1. For some reason
we have the current with us. I've noticed how it changes - the
other night I had nearly two knots against me and this morning it has been 1 -
1.5 knots with me. Generally it is about 0.5 knots against, but there are
obviously eddies set up by local wind conditions. This morning at daybreak
it was a spectacular red dawn, so I guess there's more wind coming. From
the grib files, it looks to be southerly, which is not ideal but better than SW
or W.