Monday 12th July

Mon 12 Jul 2010 12:22
My position Monday 12th July at 1200UTC is 46
33.7N 16 02.5W
Yesterday and last night were rough and miserable,
waves breaking over the boat, driving rain, poor visibility and ships coming
close. I had to call up a big bulk carrier on the radio that was
heading straight for me, or so it seemed, but he had already seen me on his
radar at 3 miles. He was struggling along at 10 knots against the
seas. In the end he passes about half a mile away. With the hatch
closed to keep the spray and driving rain out, the interior was damp and
muggy. And typically, when opening the companionway hatch to go on deck, a
large wave broke over the stern and soaked everything inside, lots of water
everywhere. So now everything is wet and soggy. Oh, the joys of
ocean sailing. Today there's still a big sea running, but the wind can't
make up its mind what it wants to do, so its keeping me busy with sail
changes. However the sun is making a valiant attempt to shine and there's
a smidgin of blue sky, so things are cheering up a bit.
Radio 4 is now loud and clear, though very boring
with the cricket! Itll be a while until I can receive an FM
station. 485 mils to go to the Lizard.