Monday 5th July

Mon 5 Jul 2010 12:20
My position at 1200UTC Monday 5th July is 40
25.7N 27 57.6W
Wind's picked up a little, now a hefty E3, so I'm
not laying the course but making reasonable progress in more or less the right
direction, COG 030 and about 4.5 knots SOG. But with a bit more breeze
it's a bit cooler aboard, still lovely sunny weather. I've finally left
the Azorean fishing boats behind so I don't have that worry when I sleep.
There was one ship last night, but it never came closer than 12 miles and I
don't expect to see many until I get into the Western Approaches. A large
pod of dolphins went by yesterday evening, but didn't stop to play and the
sunset was spectacular, no green flash though. Other than that life is
rather peaceful and I am enjoying attacking the pile of book swaps I got in