Thursday 17th June

Thu 17 Jun 2010 12:00
My position at 1200UTC Thursday 17th June is 41
09.8N 42 28.2W
I have now been hove-to for almost 48 hours.
Managed to get the storm jib up with three reefs in the main, but it soon became
clear that the boat was very overpressed, so back to just the mainsail. So
we've been jogging slowly southwards, not the wrong direction, but not making
any progress towards Newport. I have concerns about the rig as the lower
shrouds have loosened off considerably allowing the mast to pump a lot in a
seaway. And there's some seaway at the moment witth a heavy sea
running. The game plan is to wait until it subsides a bit and then I
'll retension the lowers and keep a close eye on them. At the first
opportunity of a bit of calmer weather I'll go up the mast and have a look
at the attachment point under the spreaders. Meanwhile I shall sail
Just heard the sad news about Amadeus, but
delighted to hear that Andy is safe. I just hope everyone else is