Wednesday 26th May

Wed 26 May 2010 12:21
Position at 1200 UTC 48 59.3N 11
Best day's run so far of 131 miles, but the wind's
gone a bit light again, so the speed's down. I doubt I'll repeat that
distance tomorrow.
Saw a couple of dolphins briefly this morning but I
think they must have been busy feeding because they paid me little attention and
disappeared quickly. Other than that the only wild life is a few Fulmars
cruising over the swells. It's a lovely sunny day again, it would be
perfect if there was just a little more breeze.
But at least the calm conditions have allowed me to
read Stieg Larsson's 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' - absolutely
riveting and I tore through it in a day and a half. Luckily I have the
other two sequels, for which thank you P & G!