Ready for the start?

Fri 16 Apr 2010 09:26
13th April
2010 - 50 21.9N 4
I left Levington at 0400hrs on
Sunday 11th, arriving at QAB at 1000hrs on Tuesday, averaging a credible 6
knots. Not surprising as the wind was in the NE and strong, mostly Force
6-7 but occasionally 8-9. Apart from a long beat out to Long Sand Head to
clear the Thames Estuary sandbanks, necessitating a couple of tacks, the rest
was a fast ride downwind - easy sailing although quite cold.
Generally an uneventful trip, but tiring because in the busy English
Channel it is difficult to
![]() I can hardly believe that after the
long preparation, the many years of gestation of an idea and ambition, that I've
almost reached the start line. Am I ready? Not quite, a few minor
glitches on the way down, but all easily fixed as I have a clear week on the
boat before the start on Sun 23rd May. Will I make it to Newport?
Who knows, but at least failure won't be down to lack of preparation. Do I
have a passage plan? Of course, but battle plans rarely survive first
contact with the enemy and so it is with passage plans. I fully expect to
chuck it overboard somewhere off the Lizard! 37 days to go to the