Sunday 11th July

Sun 11 Jul 2010 12:45
My position Sunday 11th July at 1200UTC is 45
42.9N 17 52.7W
It's pouring with rain, a miserable grey day, grey
sky, grey sea and we're running down wind in SW 7-8 with just the storm jib
up. I decided to reduce sail after hitting 10 knots with the No 3
and in the process realised that we were still doing 3.5 knots under bare
poles. At the moment we're doing a comfy 5 knots and it looks as if the
wind is easing a bit. However the barometer is dropping fast so I expect
there's more to come. Thank goodness I'm not having to go the other
The good news is that we are steadily ticking off
the miles and the GPS reports only 578 to the Lizard, so if the winds
allow about another five days. Looking forward to green fields and cold