Monday 31st May

Mon 31 May 2010 12:37
Position at 1200 utc 49 41.1N 21
After a quiet night tootling along with only a
faint breeze, it's now blowing SW6-7, rough and wet. Very difficult to
type this!!
The wind is steadfastly blowing from the south
west, light or strong, but always southwest. I could do with a bit
of NW or SE to get be back down south, but I don't want to tack at the moment
and find myself going backwards. Close windedness is a bit academic with a
big sea running, it's impossible to point the boat high, you have to crack off
and keep the power on to get through the
waves. I expect it will go round at some point. Besides which I'm
getting bored with port tack!