Mars bar, Champagne & Curry

Lee Price
Wed 9 Jul 2008 08:59
N50.45.44 W001.31.94
It's raining! welcome to the Uk. Got tied up at 2100 BST last night, a little earlier than I had expected. Greeted on the dock by a Mars-Duo' lovely. Very nearly cocked up the berthing, let the back slip out on the wind, first time I've ever really made a mistake coming in, I think it's cause I was tired, that's what I'm saying anyway. Good sail coming in, I was up very early and watched myself pass the Start-Point light in Devon at 0200. Very gusty, squally and wet. But I didn't want to reduce the sail to cope better, I wanted to make good progress as I new it was going to be a little tight getting into Lymington before dark. So I sat in the cockpit, cold, thinking, 'why the hell was I bringing my boat back to the UK?' then, a little after dawn, I saw the outline of Portland Bill. The weather had improved and things began to look very rosy indeed. I had a great days sail, dead down wind all the way from west of Portland to the North channel at the Isle of White. Touching over 8kts as I passed the Bill and Purbeck. It'd just turned slack water as I got to the Needles, a rough place to be if the waters running fast and no place to be if the waters running against you. But it was just starting to run gently with me as I rounded Hurst castle, anyone would think I'd planed it that way ;o) Once the Boat was safely alongside at Berthon we headed back to Ma' & Pa's for some Champagne and Curry, what bliss. I upset father on the way back as the heating in the car fetched up the stink from my feet, but apart from that it was a lovely home coming. Thanks to Rene for coming down too and for buying the Curry. So all in all, I feel very excellent indeed, quite quite super. Whana go again! cana, cana, cana, pleeeeaaaasssseeeeeee! Azores - UK Stats Days/ Hrs 14days 10.5hrs Miles Covered 1542nm Miles Per Day 106.78nm Bahamas - Azores Stats Days/ Hrs 26days 22.5hrs Miles Covered 2854nm Miles Per Day 105.95nm Total Stats Days/ Hrs 41days 9hrs Miles Covered 4396nm Miles Per Day 106.23nm Coming Up Hurst Spit at the Needles ![]() Entering Lymington River ![]() Coming into Berthon ![]() Rene helping me tie off ![]() |