Lee Price
Wed 11 Jun 2008 17:00
Today the marina manager has been going round setting all the boats that are on pontoons and therefore have the Beams (sides) to the wind, anyway, setting their stern anchors out windward. Bit of a gale blowing through tonight.
Much to my dismay, young Daniel has left, he's heading east and so away from the storm but I would have stayed another day if it were me, but it isn't and it's his call.
Today I went up the mast to have a look at my Nav light, it's broke between the lense and the fitting and was just sitting there, very lucky not to have lost it. It's on the table and the epoxy glue is setting, I'll assend again tomorrow, weather permitting, and re-install it.
I also replaced my furling line and with what was left of the old line, replaced my traveler car lines too. Good job done.
Getting my gas bottle filled and will pick that up tomorrow and am slowly slowly re-stocking food with a trip to Modelo' supermarket each day. Wine is cheap cheap here so might make a special trip just for a few bottles.
Just waiting on a new Alternator to be sent from the UK and then just waiting on the weather, this big Low pressure system with gales and heavy winds all over has been sat now near stationary for 3 days and looks set to sit for 3 days more. I can't leave before it's moved east toward the UK, it's going to be crap weather there when it does, be warned.
So not sitting around doing nothing, lots of good little jobs being done.
Risotto for tea, so nice to be back in 'europe' and to have the benifit of good food.