Day 24

Lee Price
Wed 4 Jun 2008 17:52
Wind W <10kts Heading 090T
Well, I don't have much to say today, it's been a perfectly plesent day, I
hoisted the spinika just before dawn as it got light enough to see and have
spent the day sunning myself as the boat has trundled along in 8-10kts of
westerly wind.
Nothing else has happened.
Last night it was beautifully clear and not to cold.The wind had dropped to
nothing and so I started the engine, put it in gear and slept in my blanket
in the Cockpit. Wasn't ideal but needs must. We wobbled along at 4kts.
The last two days I've clocked 94 and 92 miles with currently 340nm to go.
The wind is due to pick up tomorrow and Friday so if that's the case then
I'll be in Horta early sat'. If things stay as they are then it'll be early
Sun and I'll be 48 hrs overdue, not so bad I don't supose.
Friday will be a trial as I'm down to my last cakey biscuit, due to be
devoured tomorrow.