Sailing Again.

Lee Price
Wed 30 May 2007 00:02
Success! I'm in Catt Cay, as you can see. Set off from Nassau yesterday morning and was having such a good sail by the time I got to Chub Cay that I decided, having had unpleasant experiences in Chub last time, that I would carry on across the Grand Bahama Bank. This Bank is massive shoal area, only 3m deep across most of it, sand, weed and rock.
If I could have taken a picture of the stars in the sky at 4am this morning I would have done for you all to see, amazing universe we live in.
So today I've chilled out and slept a bit, went swimming, tidied the boat up a bit and made a couple of adjustments to the rigging. It's still blowing pretty hard so I came out on my own again as the couple (Peire and Valarie) didn't want to go in anything other than perfect conditions, they both suffer from sea sickness so I understand that.
Can't wait for the new sails now. I put a little Rip in each of these sails yesterday so they look real smart with white Gaff tape bandages!
So I'm going to head out early tomorrow, bout 4am I would think, the wind will be more moderate then and it'll give me plenty of time to get into my berth in Lauderdale and have a shower and get this salt off me.
This boat sails so well, motors like a tractor but you can't have everything. Last night I furled away the headsail and shortened the Main as much as I could as I didn't want to make Catt Cay in the dark, but even with all the sail short and sailing badly it was difficult to keep her under 5kts. If the motor didn't vibrate every bone in my body this would be the perfect boat for me.
I'll send a couple of pics tomorrow when I get proper Internet. Going to check on the anchor again now, if it drags this time though I've got about 55miles to go before I hit America. it's been blowing force 5/6 all day again today, from the east, it's been doing that for two weeks solid now, glad it's sunny again though.
Speak Soon chums and loved ones.
L x.