Lee Price
Sun 4 May 2008 20:03
I am here!
The boats in good shape, no bugs. Spent the last couple of days tidying up and getting things moving, I've installed my new SSB antenna and got the Battery Alternater charger installed.
It's kind of odd being back, not so much a holiday, yesturday I went to the supermarket afectionally known as the Shitty Market (City Market) and went straight to the meat counter on the hunt for bargin steaks, I was not dissapointed. It's like I've not been away.
Last night I joined Claire and Dave for dinner, Claire did a lovely fish pasta.
Going to get on tomorrow finishing off the Battery charger and SSB antenna, I've also swapped my autohelm with Dave which suits us both for reasons I won't bore you with, so I've got to fit that too.
I hope to get hauled in the week and be ready to go by the weekend.
The weathers been hot and sunny, it's currently 37deg outside. I've got the aircon on!
L x.